Please be aware that parents and carers should not use their mobile phones in school when children are present. Photographs and recordings should not be taken of children's performances, unless you have the consent of all the parents whose children appear in them. You are welcome to take photos of your own individual children after performances have finished. Photos etc should not be used on social media sites without permission of parents/carers.
Online Safety Platform Guides
You do not need to undertake the available courses on the link below, but there are some really helpful parental guides on all of the current online issues, such as: Roblox, FIFA, Fortnite, Instagram, WhatsApp, sexting, catfishing, TikTok, YouTube, MoMo and many others. Here you will find the most up to date guides for social media apps and platforms.
Please click here to view guides on staying safe online
Please click here to view support on gaming and mental health
Please click here to view support on gaming consoles
Below is a list of good websites to help parents and carers understand and support the school’s work on e safety:
This website has plenty of good advice and is particularly helpful in keeping parents informed about the dangers of all the new games, apps, films and websites - including reviews and age-ratings from both children and parents themselves: |
NSPCC: A website about keeping your children safe online. |
A BBC Health webpage for parents summarising the basic vocabulary involved and the problems children may encounter: |
Kidsmart, a good website with all the rules your children need to follow: |
The parents’ page of CEOP (the government’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) full of good advice and informative videos highlighting the necessity of e safety : |
How to set up parental controls on devices at home |
An Australian website, with advice for parents as well as links to good fun games which children can enjoy, whilst learning about e safety:
Below is a link to the UK Safer Internet Centre’s page, advising parents and carers on how to set safe parental controls on different internet service providers, including: BT, SKY, Virgin and Talk Talk. Also there are links ton advice and videos about a range of other devices and applications. |
Internet Matters: Is a website to empower parents and carers to
keep children safe in the digital world.
A Parents’ Guide to Technology, from the UK Safer Internet Centre (a coordinated partnership of three leading organisations; Childnet International, the South West Grid for Learning and the Internet Watch Foundation).