11. What activities outside of the academic curriculum are available for children with AN?

We will work closely with parents/careers and outside agencies to make provision for all children to access all activities within school and outside the setting. We will make every reasonable adjustment to ensure that all children have access to school trips, extracurricular activities and after school clubs

Children with AN are welcome to attend all of the following activities provided by the school:

  1. Breakfast Club: 8.25am Mon to Fri – cost: free;
  2. After-School Clubs – we offer a variety of clubs every night after school and a number during lunchtimes. Clubs after school usually run from 3.10 until 4pm. Examples include sports clubs, dance, choir, Lego and computing clubs after school. All clubs are free. 

Special arrangements can often be made for extra adults to support children with AN, where necessary.   

